Watch Part One of my EPIC Journey!
What I Eat in a Day
Hi everyone!
I finally finished the EPIC program and I’m so excited to share PART TWO with you all. As I mention in the intro of this video, the 2 main differences going into the second half of EPIC were that I am (1) now in an apartment, and (2) I was training for my half-marathon (which by the time of this posting I have run!!! Stay tuned for a video all about that soon) Other than that my equipment has all remained the same – a pair of 10 pound dumbbells and a mat.
This entire journey has been so amazing and I just want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to Caroline herself for putting together such a great program for FREE! I hope you enjoy this video and let me know what workouts I should try next!
Caroline’s EPIC Program:
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