I Put Every Minecraft Texture Through Google Translate 200 Times… In this Minecraft video, I put as many minecraft txtures through google translate 200 and then make the result! This means i put every minecraft texture which could be a block or a mob or even the HUD! Then i put these Minecraft textures through google translate 200 times which is a new part 2!! and the results are hillarious! Make sure to watch all the way to then end to see what happens!
You can download my job java from the discord server!!
➽ Join the discord! – https://discord.gg/ykrVFqcKBw
Shoutout / Credit to Toiu!! Go sube!!
– https://www.youtube.com/c/ToiuTM/videos
Minecraft Google Translate mod
Minecraft but its Google Translated
Minecraft custom mod challenge
Follow me 😀
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Music used – https://www.youtube.com/c/NoteBlock
#Minecraft #Mod #Renidrag
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