Can an aircraft carrier survive a nuclear blast? Let’s find out!
First, you’d have to pinpoint a carrier on the move with space, air, and sea sensors. The Pacific and Atlantic Oceans account for over 105 million square miles and with only 4 to 6 carriers out at any given time it wouldn’t be an easy feat to track down even an American super-sized carrier/
Next, they’d have to get through the carrier strike group’s air-and-missile defense systems that are capable of shooting down incoming warheads long before they reach the floating airport. But even if they did get through, they’d still have a tough time sinking a US Aircraft Carrier.
The USS Independence was part of the Bikini Atoll nuclear tests, where it was placed within a half mile of ground zero and still survived!
The USS Saratoga though, was placed much closer to the blast and did eventually sink from underwater shockwaves tearing open the hull, but even then it took 7 and a half hours to finally go down.
Modern aircraft carriers are built on the lessons of those tests, so nothing short of a direct hit is guaranteed to stop a supercarrier today!
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