Lets start with Adin ross Pami Baby what he lost
Shoot Videos, Not People Hats: www.shooterco.shop
Such a fun video to shoot, larray and Issa are so talented. S/o the team!
Listen to “Canceled (Remix)” HERE – https://createmusic.fm/canceledremix
Directed + Edited by @jaketheshooter + @Larray + @issa
Producer: @ShooterCo
Production Company: @ShooterCo
Director of Photography: @grantdecyk
1st AD: @jchrisrouse
Steadicam: @the.nick.almanza
Pickup Day Steadi: @pintoproduction
1st AC: @aforcillo
2nd AC: @jewelsluna
Gaffer: @charles.alexanderr
Key Grip: @zachgarcia217
Grip: @scott_l_larson
Production Coordinator: @darryl_milana
Production Designer: @mikey_15
Colorist: @bryansmaller
VFX: @lucas.rfx @rfxmedia
Titles: @damienodeanda
FPV Drone: @joeyfpvx
BTS Photo: @Coryg412
BTS Video: @andyloqez
Key PA: @Crazylocotilly
PA: @ditylugs
PA: @abbygarcia178
Lighting: @Sparkliterentals
Camera: @Shootercorentals
Lenses: @loganmeis
Picture Cars: @Premierautorentals
Production Company: @ShooterCo
Thank you to the team that helped bring this vision to life!!
#larray #twaimz #canceled #remix #musicvideo
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