Panel discussion on the efficacy of sanctions that were imposed on russia due to its ongoing aggression against Ukraine. How well these sanctions work is of crucial importance for the further development and outcome of the war and, therefore, for the future of Ukraine, Europe and the free world. The panel discussion gives new insights into this topic from a scientific perspective.
The event includes a presentation by Prof. Jeffrey Sonnenfeld (Yale University), based on a report “Business Retreats and Sanctions Are Crippling the Russian Economy” ( ) that was written by him and his coauthors.
Next, there is a discussion on the topic by the following panel:
– Prof. Tymofiy Mylovanov (former minister of economic development and trade of Ukraine, currently University of Pittsburgh and head of Kyiv School of Economics)
– Prof. Benjamin Moll (London School of Economics)
– Dr. Łukasz Rachel (University College London),
– Prof. Jeffrey Sonnenfeld (Yale University)
The panel is organized our German/Ukrainian NGO “Freundschaft kennt keine Grenzen e.V.” (“Friendship knows no borders”), in cooperation with Heidelberg University, the University of Bielefeld and the University of Bamberg.
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