Dream’s plan to escape the prison goes better than expected.
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Original Audio by Tomska, go check out the OG video!!
So I’ll be honest I was working on this dream SMP animatic for the past week or so, totally unaware we’d actually have Tommyinnit going into the prison and starting the whole plot of Dream actually escaping the prison (probably thanks to Ranboo’s help, lets all be honest here). His plan begins! Tommy gets locked in the prison with dream, what will he do? Hes stuck in the prison! Well, he was killed by Dream so I guess we got the answer to that question. Dream kills tommy. And Dream revives Tommy. Dream resurrected Tommy. Wow.
Guess I’m just lucky I finished this MCYT dream SMP animatic of Awesamdude (aka Sam Nook) and Dream (aka Dreamwastaken) when I did. The plot right now is so exciting!! I can’t wait to see what happens on this minecraft 1.16.5 server. Most likely option: dream escapes.
Alright with that said and done, if you guys got to this point in the description, make sure to comment down below what you think is gonna happen with Dream in the prison. I’m curious to see your theories/ideas.
And make sure to subscribe! I’m trying to hit 50k by the end of March and it would really help me out!
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