Dream escapes prison! Dream escapes the Dream SMP Prison with Technoblade’s help (POV). Dream calls in his favor and asks Technoblade to break him out of Awesamdude’s prison (Pandora’s Vault). Breaking out of the main cell is nearly impossible, and having Awesamdude as the main warden, there appears to be only a slight bit of hope for Dream to escape.
Characters in this cinematic:
@Dream – https://www.youtube.com/user/DreamTraps
@Technoblade – https://www.youtube.com/user/technoth…
Follow my social media accounts:
➽ Twitter – @Palador_
➽ Instagram – @Palador_
Technoblade breaks into the jail as a rescue mission to save Dream from imprisonment. Dream is held in the main cell that is nearly impenetrable, and Techno has to do all that he can to save Dream on the Dream SMP. Will Dream escape?
#DreamSMP #Dream #DreamPrison #DreamEscapesPrison
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