I Busted 30 Myths in Fortnite! Busting Fortnite Myths that I saw on TikTok. These are all NEW Myths that have not been busted yet… So im going to Bust the Craziest New Fortnite Myths For You!
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#milo #fortnite #myths
0:00 – Does the dinosaur stop fall damage
0:10 – Can you get extra POV
0:30 – Does the FOV go away or stay the whole game
0:48 – Chicken + Dinosaur = Max Height Glitch?
1:11 – Do bounce pads glitch with cars
1:33 – Can you use the dinosaur tail as a ramp
1:53 – Auto Revive Glitch?
2:15 – You can walk through walls in fortnite
2:37 – Shield Keg = Shark Repellant
2:53 – Can you launch pad the Dinosaur
3:08 – Secret OG Blue Pump Spawn
3:38 – Free V-Bucks
3:46 – Unlimited Med Mist Glitch
4:03 – Can you eliminate the dinosaur
4:24 – Can you ride the pizza box
4:34 – Can you land on a shield keg after you rift
4:44 – Ride the grenade launcher?
4:54 – Secret under the map glitch
5:08 – Fortnite pay to win?
5:26 – Can you still slide into boxes
5:47 – Do Flare Guns work in the Tornado
6:03 – Can you fit extra people on a boat like you can on a car
6:17 – Using ziplines while knocked eliminates you
6:35 – Does pressing the brakes makes the car go faster
7:04 – Can the dinosaur break metal walls
7:15 – Emote in the air glitch
7:27 – Do trees aimbot the Dinosaur
7:43 – Do Dinosaurs burn
7:53 – Can Chug Splash put out Campfires?
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