God is speaking to us all the time, yet we feel as though He doesn’t or he has forgotten about us. The truth is we are filled with distractions. If we are more quick to hear and slow to speak we will be able to hear God!
God is speaking to us all the time yet we feel as though He doesn’t or He has forgotten about us. That is not the case! We are the ones who don’t slow down and listen to Him. We are filled with distractions. If we are more quick to hear (listen) and slow to speak (creating distractions), we will be able to hear God’s voice when making decisions and receiving true direction.
🚨 Andrew F Carter Ministries is affiliated with Royal City Church. Andrew is the pastor of Royal City Church. For more information on Royal City Church, visit us at www.royalcitychurch.com. For more information on Andrew F Carter Ministries, visit us at www.andrewfcarterministries.org. You can also donate to our ministry and what we’re doing around the world!
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