Welcome to another Bedrock Edition tutorial! Today I show you how to build a hostile mob farm in your Bedrock Edition worlds! This mob farm is efficient, provides exp, lots of gun powder, is super easy to build and cheap! This farm produces around 6,400 drops an hour, or 4,200/hour if you only build half of it:) This hostile mob farm also gives exp! Not a ton, but its a good bonus! I hope you enjoy this mob farm! Its been a long time in the making! If you did enjoy consider leaving a like or sharing this with others 😊
NOTE: At 28: 40 when we place the water sources, make sure there are solid blocks below the ice/water, not scaffolding. Scaffolding prevents the creation of infinite water sources, and ice turning into water! Once the water is in place, replace the solid blocks with scaffolding once more!
What’s the next thing you want me to do? Let me know in the comments down below!
-Latest video! Minecraft Bedrock: Expert Guardian Farm Tutorial! Level 30 In 30 Seconds!
Updated Trident killer! Everything you need to know about trident killers:
How To FIND CHUNK BORDERS Tutorial! 10 Simple & Easy Ways!
Minecraft Bedrock Tutorials! Full playlist! http://bit.ly/2XQz5sE
WORLD DOWNLOAD! (avoid “download here” ads!)
0:00 Introduction
1:27 Mob Farm Overview
3:27 Rates/Drops
4:32 Farm Details/Improvements
6:16 Spawning Platform Details
9:18 Mechanics And Farm Layouts
15:03 Tutorial Start!
17: 58 Trident killer installation
20: 37 Killing floor installation
21: 22 Water streams
25:34 Spawning Platforms
32:19 Roof Installation
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Music by Argofox: http://bit.ly/2vsxAF1
MATERIALS LIST: LOTS of things, but all easy to get!
Mats list for one module, x2 for the whole farm.
3,456 Scaffolding (one double chest, 54 stacks. What a nice number!)
3,456 solid blocks (54 stacks) (for spawn platforms)
1,614 Glass (25 stacks & 14) (could be solid blocks)
715 solid blocks (11 stacks & 11) (for roof, could be leaves)
715 slabs (11 stacks & 11) (only if you use solid blocks for the roof)
486 leaves (7 stacks & 38) (for central roof)
432 slabs (6 stacks & 48) (optional mini roof to prevent endermen)
153 glass (2 stacks & 30)
120 solid blocks (1 stack & 56)
47 packed ice
46 magma
41 redstone
35 coral fans
8 observers
8 pistons
7 repeaters
5 stairs
4 signs
4 buttons
3 trapdoors
2 droppers
1 soul sand
1 redstone torch
1 redstone lamp
1 lever
1 hopper minecart
1 rail
1 hopper
1 chest
4 impaling 5 tridents
Infinte water source/ice
phantom prevention roof
looting 3 sword
#Minecraft #BedrockEdition #Tutorial
PieIsTheBest in the comments If you made it this far down 😉
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