Put On Your Shoes Song Wendy Pretend Play Morning Routine Brush Teeth Nursery Rhymes Kids Songs

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Wendy pretend play to the Put on Your Shoes song! Uncle K wakes her up and makes her do her morning routine before going to school.


Go brush your teeth
Your teeth
Your teeth
Go brush your teeth
Your teeth
Your teeth
Go brush your teeth
It鈥檚 time for school!
Let鈥檚 go
Let鈥檚 go
Let鈥檚 go!

Where are your shoes?
Your shoes
Your shoes
Look for your shoes
Your shoes
Your shoes
Wear your shoes
It鈥檚 time for school!
Let鈥檚 go
Let鈥檚 go
Let鈥檚 go!

Where is your jacket
Your jacket
Your jacket
Look for your jacket
Your jacket
Your jacket
Wear your jacket
It鈥檚 time for school!
Let鈥檚 go
Let鈥檚 go
Let鈥檚 go!

Where is your backpack
Your backpack
Your backpack
Look for your backpack
Your backpack
Your backpack
Wear your backpack
It鈥檚 time for school!
Let鈥檚 go
Let鈥檚 go
Let鈥檚 go!

Where is your homework?
Your homework
Your homework?
Look for your homework
Your homework
Your homework
Go get your homework
It鈥檚 time for school!
Let鈥檚 go
Let鈥檚 go
Let鈥檚 go!

You brushed your teeth
Put on your shoes
Put on your jacket
Put on your backpack
You have your homework
It鈥檚 time for school!
Let鈥檚 go
Let鈥檚 go
Let鈥檚 go!

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