⚠️When you re-upload this video to another site, be sure to inform them that it was “made by a Jo-펭귄”. Make sure to write the source (link) in the description column. If you use this video for industrial use, I will solve it legally.
이 영상을 다른 사이트에 재업로드할 때 반드시 “Jo-펭귄이 만들었다”는 것을 알려야 합니다. 출처(링크)를 설명란에 꼭 적어주세요. 당신이 만약 이 영상을 산업용으로 사용할 시 법적으로 해결하겠습니다.
⚠️When referring to the video, please write the link in the description.
영상참고 시, 링크를 설명란에 적어주세요.
🌟Original meme by sinwol
Track: Rival x Cadmium – Seasons (feat. Harley Bird) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/Nl_4MWNh08I
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/SeasonsYO
– #alightmotion
-ibis Paint X
– #flipaclip
Twitter💙: @Jo_Penguin_118
Discord💜: JoPenguon# 8959
Instagram🧡: @jo_penguin_dk
#animation #meme
#thatskygame #skychildrenofthelight
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