The Butcher of Banja Luka Dictator Milorad Dodik in 'Panic Mode' – EU to side with Davor Dragičević
Uploaded by Walter Logan on December 12, 2020 at 1:06 pm
The Butcher of Banja Luka Dictator Milorad Dodik in 'Panic Mode' – EU to side with Davor Dragičević
The Butcher of Banja Luka Dictator Milorad Dodik in 'Panic Mode' -
European Union to side with David´s father Davor Dragičević.
The dictator and his criminal regime are getting more and more nervous.
The Butcher of Banja Luka Dictator Milorad Dodik in ‘Panic Mode’ –
European Union to side with David´s father Davor Dragičević.
The dictator and his criminal regime are getting more and more nervous.
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