Why were some Disney Princesses missing from the Wreck it Ralph sleepover picture??
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“Wreck It Ralph 2” is without a doubt one of the most anticipated Disney movies of 2018. Although the movie will focus on several other storylines, fans are most excited for one thing. We’ll finally get to see Disney princesses interact with each other in the same room! And not only that – these Disney princesses will be totally random, they’ll have a slumber party, there will be meta humor, and they’ll interact with Vanellope! What’s not to like? “Wreck It Ralph 2” will definitely break the internet again once the movie drops in November and we absolutely can’t wait. But many fans are complaining because some of their favorite Disney princesses are actually missing from the slumber party photo. There’s no Merida, Belle, Aurora, or Jasmine! Where are they? What’s happened to them? We’ll have to wait and see!
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